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Carmen Dobnik & Attorneys
Law Office
Likozarjeva ulica 6
1000 Ljubljana

ID No.: 1296159000
Tax ID No.: SI15614140

Bank Accounts:
SI56 3300 0000 5157 675
(Addiko Bank d.d.)
SI56 0222 2025 6540 319
(fiduciary account at NLB d.d.)

Carmen Dobnik

Carmen Dobnik, Attorney at Law


Ipsa scientia potestas est.

Knowledge itself is power.

Carmen Dobnik graduated from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is an attorney at law and the founder of the Carmen Dobnik & Attorneys Law Office in Ljubljana, Likozarjeva 6. After finishing university, she gained work experience in INTERTRADE Mednarodno podjetje d.d. Ljubljana, and as a senior legal adviser also obtained the license for foreign trade in 1985. Following a one-year traineeship at the District and Higher Court of Ljubljana, she successfully passed the bar examination, and in 1990 opened her law office in Ljubljana. From 1991 to 1995, she had been broadening her knowledge and gained practical experience in the area of commercial law in collaboration with the Development Fund of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Privatization Agency, and since 1996 in cooperation with the Social Attorney of the Republic of Slovenia in judicial proceedings under the Ownership Transformation of Companies Act. Over a period of several months in 1998, she took part at a training in Bonn organized by the German Federal Bar Association (BRAK) and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation to further improve her knowledge of German and European law, and within this training also worked as an attorney trainee in the Dr. Schäfer-Pott Law Firm in Düsseldorf, specialized in commercial and tax law.

Carmen Dobnik is a member of the Bar Association of Slovenia, a member of the Slovene Commercial Law Society and the Section of Corporate Lawyers of the Slovene Association of Commercial Law Societies, a member of the Slovene Society of Tax Consultants, and an external staff member of the Comparative International Trade Law and Corporate Law Institute at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana and the Department of Law at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana.

Carmen Dobnik mainly deals with commercial contract law, corporate law and tax law, real estate law, business consulting and consulting in insolvency proceedings. Among other activities, she also performed the role of a receiver from 1992 to 1996. She often acts as a professional adviser to boards of directors, procurator, chairwoman at general meetings, and performs careful legal investigations – due diligence.

Carmen Dobnik is also a lecturer at professional seminars: she held lectures at several seminars organized by NEBRA d.o.o. on the subject of tort liability in public institutions and tort liability of the state for the work of public officials, at the symposium of contract law in Portorož, Slovenia, on the subject of “Sale and leaseback contract”, at the seminar organized by the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana and CISEF on the subject of “Practical approach to writing and interpreting commercial contracts”, at the symposium of the Slovene Commercial Law Society in Portorož on the subject of “Merger control as a form of protection of competition”, and she also gave lectures on concessions in health care and various other specialized topics from her areas of expertise. Carmen Dobnik also cooperates on a regular basis with Verlag Dashöfer, založba, d.o.o., Ljubljana publishing house; she is the author of articles on contracts in building and construction, and real estate law, published from 2006 onwards in a handbook on construction preparation, management and organization entitled “Od projekta do objekta” (From a project to a structure).

Through many years of legal practice, with her expert knowledge and professional commitment, Carmen Dobnik has set up a well established law office that prides itself on providing professional and high quality services in the field of commercial law, tax law, insolvency law, labor law, real estate law, common civil law, public law, and also criminal law – practically in every area of legal practice. Having an instinct for choosing her work colleagues, she has formed a team that can provide the most quality and the most demanding legal services in the shortest time possible.